Life changing

We give football fan Marie the surprise of her life

As the manager of National Lottery-funded Anfield Sports and Community Centre, Marie Rooney has spent almost 40 years going above and beyond to make the lives of people in her community better. She’s helped thousands of young people and she’s donated gifts and football tickets to less fortunate members of the community.

And Marie, who retired from the Community Centre earlier this year after decades of loyal service, plans to continue inspiring those around her. She said “I have always been passionate about my community and that won’t stop, even in retirement.”

But that’s not all she’s passionate about. Come the weekend you’ll find Marie watching her beloved football team, Liverpool. So we thought it a fitting tribute to send her off with the surprise of her life - right in the middle of her favourite football team’s match in front of a crowd of 51,000 people.

Watch to see what happened next...

28th September 2019

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