Life changing

How Audrey got back on her bike and overcame paralysis

This is the story of Audrey, who laughed in the face of adversity, stopped caring about what others thought and began enjoying her life again.

Four years ago, Audrey suffered a haemorrhagic stroke that left her paralysed down her right side. Without the use of her right hand, Audrey was left dependent on her husband to do even the most basic tasks for her; he soon learnt to straighten her hair – a simple task many of us take for granted. But Audrey was determined to regain her independence so she spent the next few years slowly building her life back up, one small win at a time.

She never thought she’d be able to get back on a bike after her catastrophic illness, but thanks to the support of Free Wheel North Cycling Centre, she’s overcome both the physical and mental challenges and now enjoys the freedom of getting out on her tricycle with the wind in her hair.

Audrey said: “When I came across Free Wheel North it was like a light came on – this type of support is not around. It’s the only thing of its kind in Glasgow. It lets you feel free.”

The project was awarded just under £50,000 of National Lottery funding after winning The People’s Projects, an annual event that gives the public the chance to decide which National Lottery funded project should receive a funding boost. The money will be used to help the project to grow, opening up a social enterprise café on site to help it become self-sustaining and ensure many more disabled people are able to enjoy the freedom of pedal power.

8th July 2019

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