
The National Lottery in numbers

Did you know that we've created more than 7,400 millionaires since 1994? Or that you help raise £30 million to help support good causes across the UK every week? Find out more about the numbers that make up The National Lottery.

650,000 projects funded

70% of grants are under £10,000, helping to fund community projects

Enabled 57,000 commemorative visits by WW2 veterans

6 million winners every week

£ £30 million goes to National Lottery projects every week

Since 1997 633 medals won in The Olympic and Paralympic Games by Lottery funded athletes

More than 12000 players won a share of a Lotto Jackpot

700 parks have been spruced up

National Lottery funded films have won a total of

  • 14 Oscars
  • 31 Baftas

On average 240 grants per postcode district

Helped 1,400 Museums and Galleries

More than 7,400 millionaires

Restored 6,000 village halls

£53 billion

Source: Allwyn (data from launch to 25th October 2024).

Updated 14th November 2024

The National Lottery has been changing the lives of winners and supporting good causes across the UK since 1994. In that time, there have been more than 7,400 new millionaires created and by playing The National Lottery you raise over £4 million for Good Causes every dayΔ.

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