Fun in hospital is kids’ play for National Lottery-funded charity
When it comes to being brave, Lily Lomas, from Winchester, has been there and got the T-shirt. In December 2020, she was diagnosed with a form of cancer so rare it only affects 1 in 16M people in the UK.
The cancer – classified as undifferentiated soft tissue sarcoma – started as a tiny lump below Lily’s right knee.
Her mother, Kirsty, 42, said, “We didn’t think anything of it at first as Lily’s quite accident prone and wasn’t poorly at all.”
The lump continued to grow, however, and on December 1, 2020 an oncologist at Southampton General Hospital delivered the devastating news – it was cancerous. Lily needed to start treatment immediately.
Lily said, “When I first went to the ward I didn’t know what cancer was – I’d never met anyone with cancer. When I had my line fitted I was so scared.”
She said, “When doctors told Lily she’d need chemotherapy she got upset because she might lose her hair. But half an hour later she was deciding what colour wigs she wanted. She’s been phenomenal throughout – so matter-of-fact about everything. She’s amazing.”
Over 7 months Lily faced 10 rounds of chemotherapy at Southampton General and University College Hospital London, 28 radiotherapy sessions at University College Hospital and surgery at Great Ormond Street to remove the sarcoma.
Lily was bored in hospital too, missing her dad Simon, 41, and siblings Jake, 7, and Aria, 6.
The play therapist at Southampton General told Lily about Spread a Smile. Prior to the pandemic the charity, which is supported by funding made possible by National Lottery players, provided children in hospital with visits from entertainers and trips out. In recent times, Spread a Smile has been providing its services online.
Lily had an online Spread a Smile session every week, usually one-on-one but sometimes in groups, which Simon, Jake and Aria could join on a computer at home.
Alongside art, there were play and singing parties hosted by Spread a Smile fairies.
“They even managed to get Daddy dancing,” Lily laughs.
Kirsty said, “Thank you to all National Lottery players for helping support Spread a Smile.”
Thanks to National Lottery players, over £30Million a week went to good causes like ACS. The society is just one of more than 6,000 health and wellbeing projects supported by National Lottery funding last year.
16th September 2021
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