Kwaku teaches life-saving first aid skills to London youth
When Kwaku Duah-Asante’s friend was killed in South London, the young medical student knew he wanted to make a difference in his community.
The 22-year-old grew up knowing there were local gangs, knife and gun crime in his area but didn’t imagine it would ever affect him. He said: “It’s only when it happens that you realise that it’s real and it’s always over such stupid things as well. You never think it could be someone who’s close to you.”
So when Kwaku found out about the National Lottery funded StreetDoctors, a nation-wide movement of young healthcare volunteers training young people on how to save the life of someone who has been stabbed or knocked out, he felt a responsibility to train as a volunteer.
The volunteers are made up of student nurses, paramedics and medics like Kwaku. He says: “Our sole purpose is to go out into communities, particularly young children and young people and empower these youth to know how to act and when to act if they find someone who has been stabbed or made unconscious.”
By helping young people to understand the real consequence of knife crime, Kwaku feels he can encourage the youth to stay away from violence and make the most of their lives. And with funding from The National Lottery, StreetDoctors has extended its programme into 17 cities across the UK, helping the charity to reach as many people as possible.
Thanks to National Lottery players, over £30 million a week goes to good causes like StreetDoctors. Millions of National Lottery players make amazing happen.
Check out Kwaku’s video below.
25th June 2021
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