The farm where cuddly lambs help kids with their confidence
Like most kids his age, 12-year-old Cayden spends a good deal of time on his phone. But when the pupil from The Kenwood Centre, a part of Sheffield’s Becton School tailored for pupils with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and High Anxiety, got the chance to feed and hold a lamb for the first time, he forgot all about social media.
Joining Cayden on the visit were Kelvin, 12, and Dylan, 11, who are also pupils at The Kenwood Centre. Cayden said, “It was fun holding the lambs and I’d like to do more on the farm". Asked to sum up his impressions of Whirlow Hall Farm Trust, he said, "It’s eventful, a bit crazy and exciting".
“Sometimes, they’re scared of the bigger animals at first so we start them off with a rabbit, a guinea pig or one of our therapy dogs. We’ll talk to them about their fears and let them stand behind a barrier. They’ll see other kids getting stuck in and think ‘maybe I can do that’. It’s a huge sense of achievement when they do.”
Main image Pupils (from left to right): Kelvin, Cayden (kneeling down) and Dylan.
5th April 2022
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