EuroMillions win set in motion on train
A Wellingborough man is now £226,436.50 richer thanks to trying his luck on EuroMillions while on a train trip to the airport.
Leigh Hancox, 39, a Resource Scheduler for the BBC, was heading to the airport for a weekend getaway when he saw an ad in a newspaper for a big EuroMillions draw which, alongside the jackpot draw, would also make a guaranteed 40 UK millionaires that evening (Friday 1st March).
Leigh said that the special draw prompted him to buy a ticket online and, returning from his holiday on Sunday afternoon, he discovered he’d been a lucky winner – after matching five main numbers and one Lucky Star.
“In all the time the lottery has been going I’ve probably played no more than 30 times but when I saw the ad, I thought I’d play, if only to have something to do while on the train. I do think I’m quite a lucky chap in general but not for one second did I think I’d be this lucky.
“I turn 40 this year, they say life begins at 40. I already had a five star holiday booked to Australia and New Zealand to celebrate – booked and paid for through some savvy airmiles and points gathering. Now I can think about a few extras to really make this a year to remember.”
Sunday slump shifted
Leigh was in Bucharest enjoying the sights when he first realised he was a winner, having received an email from Camelot congratulating him on his win but, because he was not in the UK, Leigh said he wasn’t able to log on to his account and assumed it was something small.
“I really didn’t think much of the win and after a fabulous weekend I headed home with the usual post-holiday and Sunday afternoon slump, that is until I remembered to check my National Lottery account and saw I’d won. I can honestly say, discovering a £226,436.50 win is one easy way to shift the Sunday slump!”
Ten years of fun
The first people Leigh called were his mum and dad who took some convincing of their son’s lucky win and, since then, Leigh has been delighted to share the news with friends, family and work colleagues as he chuckles at his run of luck.
“About five years ago I realised that with no home of my own and little pension I really needed to tighten my belt. I cut right back on the nice-to-do stuff and started saving, bought a place of my own and worked really hard to get into a more secure position.
“At the end of last year I was made redundant and worried that my security was on the line again but fate stepped in and I quickly secured another job. Now fate has positively leapt in and I am about ten years ahead of where I dreamt I might be. In some ways it feels like I’ve been given 10 years of fun back because I now have the security I always wanted and I can ease off a little on the sensible.”
15th March 2019
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