
£2Million Lotto jackpot kickstarts 2020

'New year, new start' is certainly the case for Stockton-on-Tees couple, John and Allison McDonald, who are celebrating after winning their £2Million Lotto jackpot in one of the last draws of 2019.

John, 62, a security officer, checked his ticket while at work and was delighted when he thought he’d matched two numbers and won a lucky dip. He then noticed three and was over the moon. Upon realising he had, in fact, matched all six, the leg trembles began and he called Camelot to confirm the win.

But as the excitement of their new found win was setting in, the couple received even better news. Their 15-year-old son, Ewan, had been given the all-clear from his battle with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma that he had been receiving chemotherapy treatment for this past year.

With such an amazing end to 2019, John and his wife, Allison, 49, are now starting to plan for the future, with retirement on the cards and family time both at home and abroad. We can’t think of a better way to start 2020.

3rd January 2020

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