
Set For Life winner has screenwriting ambitions

Dean Weymes is looking forward to pursuing his screenwriting dreams after winning the top prize on Set For Life. Dean will get to enjoy £10,000 every month for the next 30 years and he’s already got some big plans.

Film and theatre buff Dean said, “I have always wanted to fulfil my dream to become a script writer and this now allows me the freedom to do it. I didn’t have to give it a second thought.

“It is an incredible feeling that I will be getting £10Thousand every month for 30 years – I literally am living the dream.”

Dean’s also looking forward to putting a deposit on his dream home. He currently lives with his sister, Sarah, who introduced him to Set For Life. And he’s already planning on saying ‘thank you’ with a family trip to Disneyland Paris.

He’s going sky high on other ambitions too – with a hot air balloon ride and tandem skydive planned.

Dean said, “I cannot actually believe that I am really going to be able to do these things – and do them right now! Everything still seems quite unreal – the news really is still sinking in.”

7th August 2019

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