Help & contact us

Help is at hand
Draw days options
Why have we made changes to the draw days options?
We wanted to help improve our players’ experience on The National Lottery website and app. Recent insights on player behaviour has told us that pre-selecting ‘all draw days’ and ‘one week’ of play could make it easier for players, and help to calculate the cost of play, as any additional lines are added.
You still have the option to change your selections and play the days/number of weeks you want by tapping the selector next to each day or selecting to play for more than one week.
Once you’ve selected your days and number of weeks of play, your 'My Playslip' page will contain all the details of your upcoming ticket and what the total price will be. Always double check that this is all correct before clicking 'BUY NOW'.
Online account - General support
I’ve forgotten my username and/or password
If you have forgotten your username and/or password, or our website is telling you that the combination you have entered is wrong, don’t worry. You can now sign in using your email address instead of your username.
If you've forgotten your password, we can easily send you a link to reset it.
- Go to the ‘Sign in’ page.
- Select the 'Forgotten password’ link.
- Enter the email address associated with your National Lottery account and your date of birth.
- Press the ‘Send reset password email’ button.
- Wait for the email from us.
- Select the link in the email to reset your password – it is valid for 24 hours.
If you don't see the email in your inbox, please check your spam/junk mail folder. If you still haven't received an email, please double check the email address as it may have been entered incorrectly.
This is the list of email addresses that we advise players add to their Safe Senders List:
This will not guarantee delivery of our emails and anyone who experiences issues should contact their email provider or if possible register an alternative email address on their National Lottery account.
NB: Please only request the reset password link once, as each time you click send, it will cancel the previous link and could cause a string of expired reset links.
If you've forgotten both your username and password, firstly we suggest trying any other email addresses you may have used when signing up. If you're still unable to remember your details, please give us a call.
My account is suspended
We need to speak to you to fix this. Please talk to one of our Customer Care Team now.
Can I play if I’m not in the UK or Isle of Man?
To be able to log into and use your National Lottery account you need to be physically in the UK or Isle of Man.
You are not permitted to purchase entries into National Lottery games whilst situated outside of the UK or IOM. Subject to the residency requirement, entries into games you purchased before leaving the UK or IOM will not be affected, however you will not be entitled to claim any prizes associated with entries purchased whilst you are outside the UK or IOM.
If you set up a Direct Debit before leaving the UK and are still a UK or IOM resident these tickets will still be valid.
If you are not a resident of the UK or IOM, you are not eligible to play The National Lottery online or on the app, even when you are visiting the UK or IOM. The National Lottery website uses Experian to perform an E-identity check to ensure players are UK or IOM residents. You can however play in store at one of our retail outlets, although you will be required to return to the UK to claim any prize won.
We determine residency by considering whether someone has been physically located in the UK or IOM for more than 183 days in the previous 12 months.
Help with opening a National Lottery account
If you're looking to open a National Lottery account, take a look at our helpful step-by-step video. Should you need help with a particular step then jump to the time code below:- 0:00 – Step 1: Go to or the National Lottery app
- 0:13 – Step 2: Select open account & enter your details
- 0:26 – Step 3: Create your password
- 0:37 – Step 4: Select a security question
- 0:45 – Step 5: Choose your preferences
- 0:49 – Step 6: Set your deposit limit
- 1:05 – Step 7: Read the Account Terms and Conditions
- 1:16 – Step 8: Add funds
- 2:03 – Recap
Note: As set out in our Online Account Terms and Rules, you must be 18 years or older to open a National Lottery online account.
You will be asked to verify your email in order for us to ensure we have the correct email address if we need to contact you and to improve your account security.
If you don’t receive the verification email or are having issues:
- Check your spam folder.
- Check if the email associated with your account is correct.
- The link is expired - don’t worry, you can request a new one.
- Make sure you are using the most recently requested verification email.
If none of the above solves the issue, please contact our Customer Services team on 0333 234 44 33. (Calls cost no more than calls to 01 and 02 numbers. If your phone tariff offers inclusive calls to landlines, calls to 03 numbers will be included on the same basis.)
During registration we will seek to match the details you provide with official data sources. If we cannot verify your details are correct, you will not be able to register.
What to do if you cannot initially register:
- Check and update your details if we cannot initially verify them.
- Make sure you use your full and proper names, not nicknames, and check your date of birth is correct.
- If you have recently moved house, make sure you have updated your address with official sources, i.e. your bank, before trying again. You may wish to log out, wait, then sign in and try again in a few weeks’ time, once official data sources have had more time to be updated.
If you fail to register after multiple attempts, your registration will be unsuccessful.
Note: Each National Lottery account should be associated with a unique email address and shared email addresses should not be used.
Why is it helpful to add and regularly maintain my contact information such as telephone number and email address?
We may need to contact you about a win, your account or return a call to you. Whenever you update your contact information we will send you an email confirming those changes have been made.
In the event you have received an email about changes which you have not made to your account, please contact our team ASAP so this can be investigated further. Details on how to contact us are below.
Unsubscribing from notifications
You can opt out of app and web push notifications and marketing emails from The National Lottery at any time.
App push notifications
To stop receiving app push notifications on your mobile device, go to the ‘Settings’ section of your device and disable notifications from The National Lottery app.
Web push notifications
Web notifications appear on your screen while browsing. They carry messages we think you may be interested in, such as jackpot rollovers, game updates or news of winners in your area. If you are currently receiving these kind of push notifications on your browser and wish to unsubscribe, please follow the steps below:
Each notification has a cog symbol, which when clicked on will open your notification settings in your browser. Select 'https://National-Lottery:443' and change the opt-in status from 'Allow' to 'Block'.
You can also block web notifications before they arrive on-screen. The method depends on the device and browser version you’re using:
From Chrome desktop, see Chrome Help.
From Safari desktop, see Apple Support.
From Firefox desktop, see Firefox Help.
From Apple mobile, see Apple Support.
From Android mobile – Chrome and Firefox browser, see Android Help.
Marketing emails
To stop receiving marketing by email, either:
- Click 'unsubscribe' in any email communication we send you; or
- Login to your National Lottery account, visit 'Email preferences', and untick all of the email categories.
Online account - Navigation
Where can I find my tickets?
If you're using the app, you can find your tickets by doing the following:
- Tap ‘Account’ (next to Menu on the top right).
- Tap ‘My Games’ from the dropdown.
- Tap on either ‘Draw games’ or ‘Instant Win games’ to view.
If you're using the website:
- Click the ‘Account’ symbol.
- Under the ‘My games’ tab, click either the ‘Draw game tickets’ or ‘Instant Win Games’ option to view.
How do I change my personal details?
If you're using the app, you can change your details by doing the following:
- Tap ‘Account’ (next to ‘Menu’ on the top right).
- Tap ‘Details & settings’ from the dropdown.
- Select ‘Personal details’ from the list.
- Tap the blue ‘Edit personal details’ button.
- Tap on the field(s) you wish to change and type your updated information. When you're finished, scroll down and just beneath the Your address field, you will need to enter your National Lottery account password to make any changes.
- Enter your password and tap the blue ‘Confirm’ password button.
If you're using the website:
- Click the ‘Account’ symbol.
- Click ‘Check and update your personal details and accounts settings’ from the dropdown.
- Click ‘View & edit’ next to Personal details from the list.
- Click the blue ‘Edit personal details’ button under your details.
- Click on the field(s) you wish to change and type your updated information. When you're finished, scroll down and just beneath the ‘Your address’ field, you will need to enter your National Lottery account password to make any changes.
- Enter your password and click the blue ‘Done’ button.
How do I change my spend/play/fund limits?
On the app:
- Tap ‘Account’ next to the Menu on the top right.
- Select ‘Spend limit’ from the list.
- Click the relevant limit you want to change from the list.
- Enter the new limit in the box provided and click the blue ‘Save’ button.
On the website:
- Click on the ‘Account’ button at the top right of the page.
- Click on ‘Control your play and set your own limits’ under ‘Spend and play’ settings.
- Click the ‘Edit’ button next to the relevant limit.
- Enter the new limit in the ‘Set new limit’ box provided and click the blue ‘Save’ button.
How can I change my free Lucky Dip®?
When you win 2 numbers on the draw you are automatically given a free Lucky Dip entry for the next draw. If you wish to change this, follow the instructions below:
- Go to My Account, then ‘Spend & play Settings’.
- Find ‘Free Lucky Dip preference’ and select ‘Edit’.
- Select the draw option you want your Lucky Dips to be entered into and click ‘Save’.
Online account - Debit card
How do I change my debit card?
You won't be able to change your debit card if you still have money in your National Lottery account wallet. Once your wallet balance reaches £0.00, you can update your debit card details online, by doing the following:
- Sign in to your National Lottery account.
- Select your account at the top right of the page or from the menu on mobile.
- Select 'Debit card details' from under 'Funds & payments'.
- Select 'Edit' and enter the new card details.
There could be a number of other reasons why you are unable to change your debit card:
- You have tickets still to be entered into draws.
- You have an unfinished Instant Win Game.
- You have recently changed your debit card.
- You have an unclaimed prize waiting to be paid to your debit card.
Suggestion: Please access your National Lottery account to check if any of the above may apply and complete any required actions (e.g. finishing an Instant Win Game or claiming an unclaimed prize) before trying again. If you still require help, you can contact us on 0333 234 44 33. (Calls cost no more than calls to 01 and 02 numbers. If your phone tariff offers inclusive calls to landlines, calls to 03 numbers will be included on the same basis.)
Alternatively, if you have checked the above suggestions and you are still unable to complete the action, it may be any of the following reasons unrelated to your National Lottery account:
- Some new debit cards come with a gambling block set as default; please check with your bank to see if this has been applied to your debit card.
- The card you wish to add is a credit card.
- The card you wish to add is a business credit or debit card.
- The debit card you wish to add is being used on another person’s account.
Suggestion: Please try a different personal debit card or contact your bank directly to resolve the issue.
What happens when my debit card expires?
We will notify you via email when your debit card is due to expire in time for you to update your account.
If you have money in your account and your debit card is due to expire, we will try to return all your money back to the bank account where the debit card is registered.
How do I add/remove funds?
To add funds to your account:
- Tap your wallet balance.
- Select ‘Add funds’.
- Enter the amount you wish to add.
- Select ‘Confirm’ underneath.
To withdraw your funds from your account:
- Tap your wallet balance.
- Select ‘Withdraw funds’.
- Enter the amount you wish to withdraw.
- Select ‘Confirm’.
Online account - Direct Debit
How do I set up a Direct Debit?
To set up a Direct Debit with Lotto, EuroMillions or Thunderball, you need to sign into your National Lottery account or set one up. A Direct Debit is easy to set up and should only take a few minutes to complete. All you need is a bank account number and sort code – leave the rest to us.
To find out more, go to our Direct Debit page. Or, if you want to start the process immediately, go to Play games and set up your Direct Debit when completing your play slip.
Can I play by Direct Debit on the app?
No, you can only set up and view a Direct Debit to play Lotto, EuroMillions or Thunderball on the website. Just sign into your account via the website to set one up or view your subscription.
How do I change the numbers/days/lines on my Direct Debit?
If you'd like to change your numbers, draw days, add or remove lines once your Direct Debit has been set up, just delete your play slip and create a new one.
The deleted play slip will still run until the end of the payment period, at which point your new play slip will take over without you missing any draws.
Please note, that if you would like the changes to start from the beginning of the next period, you will need to delete the old and add the new playslip at least four working days prior to your collection date.
To delete an old Direct Debit play slip, please follow the instructions below:
- Sign in to your National Lottery account.
- Select ‘Account’.
- Select ‘Direct Debit details' under 'Funds & payments'.
- Select the relevant play slip that you no longer wish to play.
- Select ‘Delete’ to delete that play slip.
Once you have deleted your old play slip, you can then add a new play slip to your Direct Debit subscription by selecting your preferred game from the top menu on our website.
How do I change my bank details?
If you want to change your registered bank account using its Current Account Switch Service, please contact your bank directly. If your bank does not offer this service, please contact us by phone on the number in the ‘Contact Us’ section below, and we will be happy to help.
Where can I view my Direct Debit play slips and payments?
To view all your play slips and payment details, simply:
- Sign in to your National Lottery account.
- Select ‘Account’ near the top of the page or from the menu on mobile.
- Select 'Direct Debit details' under 'Funds & payments'.
Please note: This can only be done via the desktop or mobile website; you cannot view Direct Debit details via the app.
Why has my win not been transferred yet?
Direct Debit BACS payments can take a little while longer than typical card payments but all these payments are made automatically, so if you haven't received your win within 5 working days, please contact us and we can escalate the issue for investigation.
The National Lottery app
Why have we made changes to the draw days options?
We wanted to help improve our players’ experience on The National Lottery website and app. Recent insights on player behaviour has told us that pre-selecting ‘all draw days’ and ‘one week’ of play could make it easier for players, and help to calculate the cost of play, as any additional lines are added.
You still have the option to change your selections and play the days/number of weeks you want by tapping the selector next to each day or selecting to play for more than one week.
Once you’ve selected your days and number of weeks of play, your 'My Playslip' page will contain all the details of your upcoming ticket and what the total price will be. Always double check that this is all correct before clicking 'BUY NOW'.
Why are we transferring your app saved numbers?
Currently, some saved numbers are stored on the app, and some are stored in your account area. We are now making some improvements so that all your saved numbers will be stored safely in one place in your account area.
Will there be a change to how I play them/see them in the app?
There will be no change to how you use and play your saved numbers. The only difference is that they are now kept even more secure in your account area.
Do I need to do anything?
We are only able to transfer a maximum of 70 lines of saved numbers per draw game. If you have less than 70 lines of saved numbers across the web and app, you will not need to do anything further. Just sign in and the transfer will happen automatically in the background, with no disruption to the app or how it works.
If you have more than 70 lines of saved numbers for any draw game across app and web, we recommend that you keep only the 70 lines that you wish to save and delete the rest.
On the app, you can edit these saved numbers during the play journey. If you play on the web, this can be done following the purchase of a ticket or after checking results for numbers after a draw.
What happens if I do not have an account?
If you do not already have an online account, you will need to create one in order to secure your app saved numbers. Having an account gives you the option to play our games online using your saved numbers, new numbers or a Lucky Dip. We’ll also check the numbers you play, and let you know if you win.
What about my saved numbers on the website?
On the web, no action is needed right now. App and Web saved numbers are stored differently. However, we plan to combine both numbers and store them in your account.
What happens if I don't create an account?
To keep your numbers safely stored on the app, you will need to set up a National Lottery account. If you choose not to, your saved numbers will not be remembered on the app.
What version of iOS/Android must I have to use the new app version?
To run the latest version of our app, you will require a minimum of Android 8.0 or iOS 15.0.
I am having issues with the app on my Android phone.
From 24th April 2023 onwards, Android 5 will no longer be supported by our app. We recommend players, where possible, update to the latest operating system to be provided with the best experience when using The National Lottery app. To check what version you have on your Android phone, go to: Settings > General > About.
Why have I been prompted to update my app version?
With technology moving at a fast pace, we need to ensure our app stays at a high standard with an enhanced experience. We are also required to maintain high levels of security and integrity. For this reason, we have to make updates that result in some older operating systems no longer being compatible with our app. Having the latest version ensures you are getting the best possible experience. Please give it a try.
If I can’t update my app, can I still play National Lottery games on my smartphone?
Yes, you can still play on the website using your phone, and it’s easy to add it as a shortcut on your home screen.
- Go to our website using your web browser (e.g. Chrome).
- In the top right where there are 3 vertical dots, tap and scroll down to ‘Add to Home Screen’.
- The National Lottery icon will appear on your home screen and you can play and check results as normal there.
Please note that you will not be able to scan your paper tickets from the mobile website.
I can't update the app as my iPhone is running on an old version of iOS, and I don't want to update the iOS version
Unfortunately, you will need to update your iOS in order to download our latest app.
When trying to load the new version it just gets stuck and a loading circle just appears
It sounds like a problem with your internet connection. Our app requires the internet to work, so please check your internet connection.
Why are the Instant Win Games on the app different to on the website?
We have had to create separate games for the app and web for technical reasons.
How do I finish a game on the app that I previously started on the app?
You can access unfinished games through the ‘My games’ section of your National Lottery account or via your transaction history. If the game is no longer available, or you haven’t completed it within 24 hours of buying it, we will auto-complete the game on your behalf.
How do I finish a game that I previously started on the website on the app?
You’ll be presented with a message that you have an unfinished game if you choose to play a new game, through the ‘My games’ section of your National Lottery account or in your transaction history. You can click the button to auto-complete the game which will display the outcome of the game but without the animation. If you want to see the animated game, you will have to play the game on the website within 24 hours from purchase.
What’s the best way to scan your paper tickets with your smartphone?
To help ensure you can scan your tickets correctly, follow these tips:
- Place the ticket on a flat surface
- If the ticket is crumpled try and flatten it out so that the QR code is clearly visible
- Ensure the place where you’re scanning is well lit
- Keep any other tickets out of view to avoid scanning the wrong ticket
I’m having trouble scanning tickets with the app
Using our app on your phone, the camera can be used to scan pink tickets to check your numbers. This can be done by tapping ‘scan ticket’ on the home screen. This enables the camera to open, allowing you to scan the QR code on your pink ticket.
If your camera is unable to scan tickets, this could be due to a number of reasons. Most likely, this is because camera permission is not enabled within the app settings (see help below).
Or, it could be the camera being unable to scan tickets due to:
- Poor lighting
- Phone camera lens requires cleaning
- Ticket/camera not being held still
- Ticket not placed on a flat surface
- Issues with your internet connection
If you think you could be having camera permission issues, follow the guidance below.
iPhoneIf you are seeing an error message which says 'Cannot access camera', or are unable to scan tickets using your camera, try following steps 1-3:
- Tap ‘Settings’
- Scroll down to The National Lottery app
- Tap the slider next to ‘camera’ so it turns green
Now try scanning your ticket again.
Note: Depending on your iPhone model and iOS version, this step-by-step guide may vary.
AndroidIf you're seeing an error message similar to that described above, or are unable to scan tickets with your camera, try following steps 1-5:
- Tap ‘Settings’
- Tap ‘apps’
- Find The National Lottery
- Tap ‘Permissions’
- Select ‘Allow’
Now try scanning your ticket again.
Note: Depending on your phone model and Android version, this step-by-step guide may vary.
What if the camera still won’t scan the ticket?
If none of the above works, try uninstalling and then reinstalling the app. Alternatively, try to scan your tickets on a different device. If you’re still having problems using the camera to scan tickets, please contact us for further assistance.
Why can’t I scan white tickets?
Unfortunately, the white paper tickets bought in stores such as Aldi, Asda and WHSmith are not configured to be scanned for results via the app. Please check the published results on the website or in the app.
For more information on the app, please see The National Lottery app page.
Online play
I’ve just opened an account. How do I buy tickets?
First of all, welcome to The National Lottery. In order to buy tickets for our games, follow these steps:
- Sign in to your account.
- Choose your game from the ‘Play games' menu.
- Select your numbers, draws and weeks on the play slip.
- Or, opt for a Lucky Dip with a random selection of numbers.
- Once you have made your selections, choose ‘Play’ and you will then need to check and confirm the details to buy your ticket. The ticket amount will be taken from your account balance and you’ll be sent a confirmation email with your ticket details.
How do I play Lotto?
Playing the nation’s favourite lottery is easy peasy. Find out how to join the fun every Wednesday and Saturday at our 'About Lotto' page.
How do I play EuroMillions?
The game with the biggest jackpots is thrilling to play and eagerly anticipated every Tuesday and Friday. To find out how to be part of it, visit 'About EuroMillions'.
How do I play Set For Life?
Set For Life has a top prize of £10,000 every month for 30 yearsΔ. Draws take place every Monday and Thursday. Learn how to play at our 'About Set For Life' page.
How do I play Thunderball?
Our £1 game is your best chance to win a £500,000 top prize. Draws take place every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Find out how it works by visiting our 'About Thunderball' page.
How do I play Lotto HotPicks?
Lotto HotPicks is played every Wednesday and Saturday. It’s the game with fewer numbers and more prizes – and a cinch to play. For help with how to play this popular £1 game, take a look at our 'About Lotto HotPicks' page.
How do I play EuroMillions HotPicks?
EuroMillions Hotpicks is the game with bigger prizes for fewer numbers. It can be played every Tuesday and Friday. For guidance on how to play, visit our 'About EuroMillions HotPicks' page.
How do I play Instant Win Games?
There are Instant Win Games for everyone. Discover how to play, set limits and claim prizes with our short help video.
How long does it take for a prize to go into my bank account?
Prizes are available as soon as the draw results have been finalised or an Instant Win Game has been completed. Prizes won via Direct Debit will automatically be paid into your bank account, while prizes from tickets purchased from funds added via a Debit Card will be paid into your National Lottery account for you to withdraw. Prizes above a certain threshold will need confirmation before withdrawal/payment or to be claimed in person, otherwise, all prizes should appear within 3-5 working days of being won or withdrawn from your National Lottery account, depending on your bank.
Prizes won via Direct Debit will automatically be paid into your bank account, while prizes from tickets purchased from money added to your account via a Debit Card will be paid into your National Lottery account for you to withdraw.
When can I purchase a ticket and play an Instant Win Game ?
The National Lottery website and app are available for browsing 24 hours a day. However, you can't log into your account between 2am and 6am.
You can buy tickets for draw games or set up a Direct Debit from 6am until 11pm each day, except on the day of a draw when you need to buy your ticket by 7:30pm. To find out full details of when the games are available to play, visit the information pages for each game.
You can buy Instant Win Games at any time except between 2am and 6am. Please note that different Instant Win Games are available to play on the website and app.
Why have I seen a duplicate animation on an Instant Win Game?
Once an Instant Win Game is purchased, a unique ticket number is produced, along with a randomly allocated animation. This animation matches a predetermined outcome for the game. When a game outcome and animation is displayed for an Instant Win Game, it is not removed from the range of animations, and is still available to be selected again.
We create a variety of animations for each prize tier and therefore the likelihood of playing the same animation in succession is very low. It is, however, still possible because of the random nature of the random ticket generator. We do not record the animations that you have previously seen, as this would not make the selection truly random.
Why can’t I finish my Instant Win Game?
There may be an issue with your browser or the device you’re playing on. We would always recommend using the latest Apple or Android operating system along with the latest version of the National Lottery app for the best user experience.
If your device doesn’t have the most up to date software you won't be able to get the full viewing experience. You can still buy the game and see the result but unfortunately, without the game play.
If you have checked, are using the latest browser versions, and still experiencing an issue, please give us a call. If you have a game number, please note this down and mention it during the call so we can best help you.
To give you the best gaming experience, we offer a 'Try' option, which is available for all of our Instant Win games (IWGs) and allows you to test the game out before buying a play. This will ensure that your browser is compatible before you actually purchase the game. You can find the 'Try' option by clicking on the game tile, then selecting the white 'Try' button next to the blue 'Confirm and play' button.
Why have you taken money for an Instant Win Game and given me a result when I haven't actually played?
Firstly, please check the following settings:
On the app:
- Tap ‘Account’ next to the Menu on the top right.
- Tap ‘Details & settings’.
- Select ‘Accessibility settings’ from the list.
- Check that the slider is on. If it's off, tap to turn on.
If your animation settings are set to on already, and you're still given a result without actually playing the game, please ensure you're following any instructions e.g. rotate your screen. If you're still having issues, please give us a call.
On the website:
- Click on the ‘Account’ button at the top right of the page.
- Click ‘Check and update your personal details and account settings’ to go to ‘Details & settings’.
- Click the ‘View & edit’ button next to accessibility settings from the list.
- Check that the slider on the right of the screen is on. If it's off, click to turn on.
If you're still experiencing the same issues, please call us.
Why can I not play games using Internet Explorer?
Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) is no longer supported by Microsoft and therefore is not kept up to date with the latest security updates. We have therefore taken the decision to remove support for IE11. As a result, this may impact your ability to play. If possible, we recommend that you use the latest version of Microsoft Edge (which is already built into Windows 10 and above) or the latest version of an alternative browser such as Google Chrome for your continued enjoyment of our games.
What Operating systems do you support on your website?
We currently support iOS 13 and above and Android 8 and above on our website. If you are browsing the site on devices with older operating systems you may experience display issues and/or be unable to play. Where possible, we advise upgrading to a more recent operating system for an optimal experience. -
Can I gift a Draw-based Game or Instant Win Game that I purchased online?
No, currently you are only able to gift draw tickets and Scratchcards purchased in-store.
In-store play
Where can I find information about playing in-store?
If you buy tickets or Scratchcards from your local National Lottery store, we have a few useful and important documents that you might want to read:
How do I play my Scratchcard?
We offer a range of Scratchcards, all very different. To find details on how to play a specific game, go to our Scratchcards page.
What happens in-store if I win a prize?
When you give your winning ticket or Scratchcard to a shop assistant, you should notice that the terminal (except till-point and handheld terminals at Scratchcard-only retailers) will make a distinctive sound. They must also give you a Win Receipt for each winning ticket. When you receive your prize, they will need to keep your ticket. If they cannot pay your prize, they should return the ticket along with a Win Receipt.
Please read more information about how to claim.
There is a 180 day claim period. Provided that we receive your letter and ticket within that period, we will be pleased to assess and validate your claim.
I have matched 2 numbers on my Lotto ticket. Why wasn’t the retailer able to print my free Lotto Lucky Dip ticket?
If this happened to you, we’re sorry. Sometimes, a retailer’s printing device can experience an error which stops it printing. Unfortunately, this can impact on the printing of National Lottery tickets, including free Lotto Lucky Dip tickets.
For security and technical reasons, unfortunately retailers can’t cancel and reissue prizes. As a Lotto free Lucky Dip ticket is a prize, on those rare occasions that an error stops it being printed, the retailer can’t cancel and reissue the ticket. Rest assured, your free Lotto Lucky Dip ticket will still be entered into the draw that you had requested, and if you keep the original Lotto ticket and contact us, we can track the free Lucky Dip ticket to see if it was a winner.
In accordance with Game Rules and Procedures for Lotto, you have 180 days to contact us in one of two ways:
Email – Simply sign the back of your original ticket and email a photo or scanned image of both sides of the ticket along with your contact details to our Winner Services team at:
Letter – Sign the back of your original ticket and send it with your contact details by post to our Winner Services team at the address below. We recommend using a tracked postal service as postal claims are made entirely at your own risk and Allwyn accepts no liability for tickets, Prize Claim Forms and/or any other accompanying documents that may be lost, damaged or delayed in the post.
The National Lottery
Winner Services
PO Box 287
Tolpits Lane
WD18 9TTOnce our Winner Services team receives your original ticket, they will check it to confirm that it was a match 2 winner and whether the free Lotto Lucky Dip ticket was a winning ticket too. We will get back to you within 20 working days, and details of any further wins will be sent by post or email, according to your wishes.
What do I do if my ticket or Scratchcard references 'Camelot' as the operator on the back?
All draw game tickets, Scratchcards and Wager Slips bought from a National Lottery retailer with 'Camelot' on the back, are still valid. These games are now being managed by Allwyn as the new operator of The National Lottery. For draw game tickets, prizes must be claimed before the end of the 180th day after the relevant draw (the "Claim Period"). Your entitlement to a prize will be lost and the prize will not be paid if a prize is not claimed within the claim period. See Rules For Draw-Based Games Played at Retailers for more information. For Scratchcards, it remains the case that prizes must be claimed before the end of the 180th day after the closing date of the relevant game (or within any other period of time stated in the Game Procedures or Game Specific Rules for a game that has a Second Chance Draw). Your entitlement to a prize will be lost (and the prize will not be paid) if a prize is not claimed within the claim period. See Rules for Scratchcard Games for more information.
Results and prize claims
How do I claim my prize?
Won a prize? Congratulations! Whether you played online or in-store, all the details can be found on our How to claim page.
Where can I find the results?
On your desktop
We have a page dedicated to giving all the latest draw games results. You can check your numbers or browse for the results you’re looking for.
On your phone or tablet
There are Apple and Android apps for you to download to your mobile device. If you haven’t yet done this and would like to do so, please go to our Apps download page for more information.
QR code ticket scanning
By downloading and using our app (Apple or Android) on your mobile device, you can scan the QR code printed on your tickets for instant results, using the 'Scan ticket' button on the App home page. You’ll get the numbers on all draw games and raffle codes.
Live draws
You can view the live draws on the National Lottery website or YouTube channel.
At a retailer
You can also ask any National Lottery retailer in a store to check a printed ticket for you.
How do I use the results checker?
In order to check your results for a specific game:
- Select 'Check results' or on mobile select 'Results' for the game you wish to check.
- View the latest results or select 'Check my numbers' for the game you played.
You will then be able to check draw results for the past week, for the last 30 days or up to the last 180 days.
Please note this is not linked to your online account; please log in and go to 'My games' to see your purchased tickets and prizes.
What happens after the draw?
After any National Lottery draw, results and our prize breakdown have to be confirmed by an independent adjudicator before we are able to make them publicly available.
What happens if my ticket is lost, stolen, destroyed or damaged?
If you believe you had a winning ticket for one of our draw games which has been lost, stolen, destroyed or damaged, you must notify us and we must receive your notification by 5pm on the 30th day after the date of the relevant draw. You can do so by downloading and completing a Lost, Stolen, Destroyed or Damaged Ticket Search form, and emailing the completed form to or posting it to us at:
The National Lottery
Winner Services
PO Box 287
Tolpits Lane
Watford WD18 9TTIf you are unable to print the form, you can email us or write to us at the addresses stated above. Your email or letter must include the following information:
- Your name and address
- The name and address of the shop where you purchased the ticket
- Date and time of ticket purchase
- Name of the game (e.g. EuroMillions/Lotto/Thunderball etc)
- Number of lines and the selected numbers (or Lucky Dip)
- Draw date(s) (e.g. every Tuesday)
- Date of potential winning draw
- Any further information (e.g. what happened to the ticket)
- If your ticket is damaged, you must also include the ticket with your letter, or attach a copy of the ticket to your email and retain the original.
If you don’t provide all of the compulsory information, we may not be able to process your claim or there may be a delay.
On receiving your completed form (or other acceptable notification), we may then investigate and consider the validity of your claim at our discretion.
If you believe you have a claim, but have not provided us with written notice within thirty (30) days of the relevant draw date, your claim may not be considered. Please see the Rules for Draw-Based Games Played at Retailers for further information.
My Scratchcard is damaged; can I still claim?
If you are unable to claim your prize because your Scratchcard is damaged, please send it to the address below and enclose a signed covering letter which includes your address, telephone number and the details of what happened if you tried to collect your prize in a store.
The National Lottery
Winner Services Department
PO Box 287
Tolpits Lane
WD18 9TT -
When will I no longer be able to claim prizes over £500 from Post Office branches?
From 1st February 2024, Post Office branches will no longer pay prizes over £500 and you will need to claim via a new online claim process.
This process will need to be started via this page, and will require an online form to be completed before your ticket or Scratchcard is sent to The National Lottery.
What about claims of £500 and under?
Most retail outlets with a Post Office will continue to offer National Lottery services, and all of these have the ability to pay out prizes up to £100. They can also pay prizes above £100 up to a maximum of £500 at their discretion.
Why have Post Office branches stopped paying out prizes of over £500?
Post Office Limited decided to end its relationship with The National Lottery. However, many of the retail outlets with a Post Office will continue to provide National Lottery services. Unfortunately, these retail outlets are now unable to process prize claims over £500.
Can I still buy National Lottery tickets and Scratchcards from Post Office branches?
Yes, most retail outlets offering Post Office services will continue to sell National Lottery tickets and Scratchcards, and can still pay prizes up to £100, as well as £100 - £500 if they have sufficient funds.
How can I claim prizes of £500+?
You will need to initiate your claim online following our step-by-step process. If you are unable to do this, please call our Customer Care Team on 0333 234 50 50 who will be happy to help.
Once I’ve started my claim for a prize over £500, how will I know if the email requesting my payment details is genuine and from The National Lottery?
You will be provided with a unique claim reference number when you first submit your claim online, and this will be referenced in all correspondence you receive from us. Therefore, when you visit the payment portal, please check that the claim reference number and prize amount match what was on your claim. -
I have typed in my details using the bank payment link, but I still have not received my prize payment
Upon filling out your details in the bank payment link, you will be provided with confirmation on the payee details page. This will let you know if your details have been verified. You will receive the payment as long as the bank account, name and sort code match. If the bank payment details are filled in on a working day (Monday to Friday), the payment will be paid within 24 hours. If bank payment details are completed on a weekend, payment may take 2-3 days to clear. -
It won’t let me re-use the link to re-confirm my details
The faster payment link is a one-time use link (it cannot be filled out again). It is valid for 60 days and you will be sent a weekly reminder within those 60 days to complete the form if you haven't done so. Upon opening the link, you will have 20 minutes to fill out details before the link times out. If the form is not completed within 60 days, you will be paid by cheque. If you have any questions or need some support from us, please call us on 0333 234 50 50 (8am-8pm Monday-Saturday and 9am-5pm Sunday). (Calls cost no more than calls to 01 and 02 numbers. If your phone tariff offers inclusive calls to landlines, calls to 03 numbers will be included on the same basis). -
The link has come up with an error. What do I do?
If the link provided does not work, please try again in a different browser. If you’re still unable to proceed, please call us on 0333 234 50 50 (8am-8pm Monday-Saturday and 9am-5pm Sunday) and our Winner Services team will cancel the bank payment and provide a cheque. If you call outside of these hours, you can request a callback. (Calls cost no more than calls to 01 and 02 numbers. If your phone tariff offers inclusive calls to landlines, calls to 03 numbers will be included on the same basis). -
I only have a joint account. How will I get my prize?
A bank payment can be made to a joint account providing the name on your claim form matches one of the names on the bank account . If the bank payment fails, you will receive your prize payment by cheque. -
I typed my bank details incorrectly. Will I still get my prize?
You have three attempts to type in your bank details. If the three attempts fail, the bank payment will be cancelled and a cheque will be issued instead, which may take 2-3 working days to process before it is posted out to you. If you have any questions or need some support from us, please call us on 0333 234 50 50 (8am-8pm Monday-Saturday and 9am-5pm Sunday). (Calls cost no more than calls to 01 and 02 numbers. If your phone tariff offers inclusive calls to landlines, calls to 03 numbers will be included on the same basis).
Account closure following bereavement
How do I inform The National Lottery that an online account holder has passed away?
We know this can be a difficult time, so we'll do everything we can to help you make the process as quick and easy as possible. There are a couple of ways you can contact us:
The easiest way is to download and print a copy of our form. Once you have completed it, please return it either as a scanned document or photo, together with a copy or scan of the Fact of Death or Deceased Certificate, by email to:
Once we have received these documents, we will write to you and let you know if any funds or unpaid prizes remain on The National Lottery account. Please note, if the amount is greater than £300, we will require an original or certified Grant of Probate or Will naming the Executor of the estate (this may be a solicitors firm if named).
If you prefer, you can call us on 0333 234 44 33 and ask for a form. Our lines are open Monday – Saturday from 8am to 8pm and from 9am to 5pm on Sundays.
(Calls cost no more than calls to 01 and 02 numbers. If your phone tariff offers inclusive calls to landlines, calls to 03 numbers will be included on the same basis).
We will post you a form to complete and send back to us.
You’ll also need to send a copy of the Fact of Death or Death Certificate when you return the completed form to us. Alternatively, you can take a photo or scan of the completed form and send it to: together with the supporting documents. Any original documents will be returned to you by Royal Mail recorded delivery.
How long does it take?
Once we have received the completed form and supporting documents, we will let you know if any funds or unclaimed prizes remain on the account. We aim to do this in a timely manner.
If any money is due, a cheque will be sent to you for any outstanding funds by recorded delivery.
For funds and/or unclaimed prizes above £300 we will require the original form, coupled with an original or certified Grant of Probate to evidence the beneficiary details, Death Certificate or Will, detailing the named administrator.
Can I have a list of the regular numbers played?
We can provide you with the regular direct debit numbers played on the account prior to closure. Just tick the box on the form provided for ‘Account Information Request’, and we will send these to you.
Will you cancel the Direct Debit?
Yes, once we have received the completed form and supporting documents either by post or email, we will close The National Lottery account. If there is a Direct Debit on the account, it may be quicker to inform the bank to cancel this. Alternatively, we will close it during the Account Closure Process.
If the Direct Debit is active at time of notification, we will cancel the Direct Debit and stop future tickets from being purchased. Those tickets that have already been purchased will continue to play in the upcoming draws. The remaining Direct Debit balance and any prizes will be returned to the beneficiary.
Can I change the National Lottery account into my name?
National Lottery accounts are not transferable as set out in the Account Terms that were agreed to when the account was opened. You can, however, open your own National Lottery account here or by downloading the National Lottery app.
I have sent the form back to you and haven't heard anything yet
We are sorry that you haven't heard back from us. Please email and one of our team will be pleased to look into the delay.
What will happen to any funds in the account?
We will let you know if there are any funds due or any outstanding prizes. Amounts below £300 (including unpaid prizes) will not require any further documents.
For balances above £300 (including unpaid prizes), we require an original or certified Grant of Probate to evidence the beneficiary details, or an original Will with the named administrator.
Please note that for amounts of £300 or more, this may take longer to process.
All original documents will be returned to you by Royal Mail’s Recorded Delivery service.
Healthy play
National Lottery games should always be fun, playing in a way that is right for you. Using our healthy play toolkit you can set limits, take time out, or take our test to find out what kind of player you are.
Gaming is fun but for a few, it may become a problem. If you're worried about yourself, or someone you know, speak in confidence to the people at GamCare, available 24/7, on 0808 8020 133 or visit the GamCare website for assistance.
We are also affiliated with GAMSTOP.
What is GAMSTOP?
GAMSTOP is a free service to self-exclude from online gambling websites and apps run by companies licensed in Great Britain for the period of time that you choose. To find out more and register, visit
I’ve registered with GAMSTOP; why am I still able to log in to my National Lottery account?
If you register with GAMSTOP to self-exclude, you will only be excluded from buying National Lottery Instant Win Games. You will still be able to buy draw games and so can still to log in to your National Lottery account. Please note it can take up to 12 hours for your GAMSTOP self-exclusion to become effective. If you would like to exclude yourself from all National Lottery games, and with immediate effect, you can do so by choosing one of the 'Take a break' options via the 'Spend and play settings' in your National Lottery account, or by contacting us on 0333 234 4433. (Calls cost no more than calls to 01 and 02 numbers. If your phone tariff offers inclusive calls to landlines, calls to 03 numbers will be included on the same basis).
Contact us
By Webchat
Chat with one of our Customer Service Agents
Chat unavailable -
By Phone
If you play online:
0333 234 44 33
- 8am – 8pm Monday to Saturday
- 9am – 5pm Sunday
If you play in a shop:
0333 234 50 50
- 9am – 8pm Monday to Saturday
- 9am – 5pm Sunday
(Calls cost no more than calls to 01 and 02 numbers. If your phone tariff offers inclusive calls to landlines, calls to 03 numbers will be included on the same basis.)
Alternatively chat with one of our Customer Service Agents
Chat unavailable -
By Minicom
If you are hearing impaired and have a Minicom device, please contact us on 0370 737 8249 at the following times:
- 9am – 8pm Monday to Saturday
- 9am – 5pm Sunday
(Calls cost no more than calls to 01 and 02 numbers. If your phone tariff offers inclusive calls to landlines, calls to 03 numbers will be included on the same basis.)
Alternatively chat with one of our Customer Service Agents
Chat unavailable -
By Post
For general enquiries, write to us at:
The National Lottery
PO Box 251
WD18 9BRFor questions about lost, stolen or destroyed tickets or a prize payout, write to us at:
The National Lottery
PO Box 287
WD18 9TT
Need to make a complaint?
If you’re unhappy with the service provided, please see our complaints page for information on our complaints procedure.
Report underage sales
If you suspect that a retailer is selling National Lottery tickets to anyone under 18, you can report them by calling 0345 3016216.
Our registration details: Allwyn Entertainment Ltd Registered Office: Tolpits Lane, Watford, WD18 9RN Registered in England and Wales No. 13157556