Fri 22 Nov 2024

Jackpot: £161,692,181

Draw 1792 | Draw machine: 13 | Ball set: 20

Ball numbers Lucky Stars

  1. 10
  2. 11
  3. 12
  4. 29
  5. 31
  6. Lucky Stars 08
  7. Lucky Stars 11

Remember to check all the UK and European Millionaire Maker codes against yours – you might just be a winner!

Winning codes

UK Millionaire Maker: £1,000,000

European Millionaire Maker: £1,000,000 if you are a UK winnerΣ

The European Millionaire Maker Prize is €1,000,000 which, for UK winners, will be converted to Sterling and topped up by Allwyn from the UK Millionaire Maker Reserve Fund so that the total prize awarded is £1,000,000.

This Friday


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